Welcome to RODA1962

Welcome to Roda 1962! Great that you have joined Roda 1962 for a stronger Roda JC.

Together we aim to make Roda 1962 as large as possible and determine which spending goals the collected contribution is spent on. You will be informed about the collection of the yearly contribution at a later stage. In addition, a delegation of Roda JC‘s management and supervisory board will join our annual meeting to provide insights into the development of the club.

,000 members

Roda 1962 is not just an association, but the members association to create a stronger Roda JC. With 1,000 members, Roda 1962 receives an approval right to prevent changing club logo, club colors, club name, playing location and youth academy. The present and future of our club identity can therefore be in the hands of the fans. Thats unique! To reach the goal of 1,000 members as quickly as possible, we need you!

Help us reach
1,000 members

We ask you to tell your family, friends, acquaintances or colleagues about Roda 1962. Share the registration page with your contacts with the buttons below and help us reach 1,000 members as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Stefan Kapell
Chair Roda 1962

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